We are a national not-for-profit strengthening communities through access to education, health, a better environment & infrastructure, and opportunities for livelihood while ensuring food security. We also reach out to communities affected by disasters.
Our competency also lies in third-party monitoring & evaluation, research, and capacity building, to help make development projects more effective and efficient.
We envision a developed, self-reliant and resilient Pakistan, where every citizen has access to all basic human rights irrespective of their gender, religion, and socio-economic status.
We work with donor agencies we share our vision with as a front-end implementing partner to bring the change we envision in our society. Our partnerships are based on trust, collaboration, and compassion.
We believe that only with access to basic human rights can people reach their true potential and live a life of dignity and prosperity.
Tameer-e-Khalaq Foundation (TKF) was founded in 2004 to bring sustainable positive change to some of the most consistently excluded and deprived communities across Pakistan. Beginning its journey with meager resources and staffed by a relatively inexperienced but determined group of idealists, in just 2006, managed to convert their efforts into a much-needed public school in the district of Quetta. From this proof-of-concept of their vision, the non-profit NGO has grown dramatically and rapidly. Today, TKF fields a staff of more than 250 in 4 offices and has an average annual turnover of 126.67 million PKR. It has worked on 51 projects across 23 districts and 3 provinces of Pakistan, having directly benefitted almost 1.15 million men, women and children.
The organization combines competent human resource, proper program and support structures, effective management systems, and policies to support communities in all circumstances to enable them to be safe, resilient, independent, and progressing.
TKF has a decade’s worth of experience in implementing development and emergency response projects as well as collecting essential data for them in assessments and surveys. We have dealt extensively in complex refugee emergency response in various provinces and have broad experience of working with temporarily displaced persons (TDPs) and refugees both in camps and off camps/host community settings. We enjoy trust and partnership with some of the most respected INGOs currently working in Pakistan, including UNHCR, UNICEF, UNOCHA, UNDP, World Food Program (WFP), UN-HABITAT, Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO), International Rescue Committee (IRC), Norwegian Refugee Committee(NRC), GIZ, Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), Qatar Red Crescent, ED-LINKS, Concern Rapid, Qatar Charity and Bali Memorial Trust.
A developed, self-reliant, and resilient Pakistan, where everyone has access to all basic human rights without compromise on the basis of gender, religion, or socioeconomic status.
To achieve our vision, we endeavour to facilitate the process of social development through an array of services designed to empower the community and economy, through bottom-up integration and a special focus on the gender aspect that is as yet neglected in our society.